04 January 2010

New year, new resolve

I've started a new blog.  

No, I'm not shutting this one down, I'm starting a daily gratitude blog, that is combined with a photo-a-day blog. It's a photo-a-day of something I'm grateful for.  That said, I'm not STARTING it, I HAVE STARTED it.

d's gratitude

My aim with this is that my daily activity on this (theoretically) shorter-posting blog will increase my devotion to this blog that I started FIVE and some years ago.  Yes, this blog has been around that long.  And so, I should step up to the challenge of COMMITTING to being part of the blogosphere, since I've technically been part of it for more than 5 years.


Goal for this year?  Hit 100 followers for EACH of my blogs.  Wanna help?  TELL YOUR FRIENDS! ;)


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