so, i wasn't distracted much during my last post while attempting to watch
dogma... :P i've just posted a WHOLE bunch of pictures to my blog... which was part of the whole reason for me to do this - share news and pics of my adventures in australia!
ok, for those of you that don't know me, or that do, but have been living under a rock for the last 6 months, i'm living in
australia. i live in a city called
geelong, in the
state of victoria, about an hour away from
melbourne (which, i might add, is alot like
vancouver - it's GREAT!). i've been here since 4 september, 2004, (almost 2 months), and i don't feel very homesick ... just missing PEOPLE more than home itself. there are a few things that have taken some adjusting to get used to... such as: the slang here, people driving on the wrong side of the road... etc. (well, to them it's not the wrong side of the road)
it's weird too... you miss WEIRD stuff... examples: cheerios (and i only think i miss cheerios because john - a canadian t and i met on our flight from sydney to melbourne - told me they don't have them here),
tim hortons... man, what i wouldn't do for a canadian maple donut right now!... cheap cd's (yea, i'm sorry, but i'm not paying 31.99 for the korn greatest hits album! but, they do have sales - i got a system of a down album for $10, that was cool), some tv (but, they get most of what we get... and they have some pretty damn entertaining tv ads! like, the racv ads with
jimeoin, the nova 100 (a radio station) ads with
dave hughes... just ask me about "go 'round!!!!")
i will be going home for christmas for sure... todd and i already paid for our tickets back to canada... and to those that don't know, we arrive in vancouver at 8am on 19 december. and yes, we have someone to pick us up, my mommy will be there, of COURSE! we'll be in canada until 13 january, 2005... so, we get to spend almost 4 whole weeks in canada in the winter - we're looking to getting quite a few days of boarding in before we come back to summertime in aus!
these last 6 weeks in australia have been busy:
day 2 - went to bozza's house for aussie father's day and met his fam - reminded me ALOT of my own fam - they're italian aussies
day 3 - went to melbourne, and did the "touro" thing
day 4 - got my gym membership, and consequently had my wallet stolen from my bag while i was in the shower - man, was t PISSED!
day 7 - first night out partying in geelong - met bunches of t's mates from work
weeks 2, 3 & 4 - the cold from HELL!
week 3 - went boarding at
buller, went car shopping,
afl grand final party at scotty and peta's (met lots of t's mates from high school, uni and footy)
week 4 - t bought a car, went to anglesea to see the 'roos on the fairway at the anglesea golf club (yay! my first real roo sighting!), went to tazzie (and consequently had a 3 day hangover - well, YOU try and match todd drink for drink when you weigh 35 lbs less than he does!)
week 5 - went blading on the geelong waterfront, booked flights home for christmas (4 grand later), went to torquay shopping at the surf shops (torquay is the home of
rip curl and
quiksilver), went to a bbq with some friends of t's from uni, t watched
MALLRATS for the first time!
week 6 - went blading in melbourne twice, finally got dsl hooked up (thank GOD, no more dialup!), went to ballarat for t's 10 yr reunion for
st. pat's, went to
sovereign hill
see? we been busy!
and the next 2 months until we leave for canada are going to be just as busy:
» t is buying a road bike today!
» this weekend we're having an oktoberfest party at our place (oktoberfest isn't happening in melbourne this year cause they're re-doing the show grounds... so we're going to have it at our place!)
» this weekend we're also going to see jimeoin live (yay, i've never been to a comedy show, and todd said he's HILARIOUS!)
» i'm going to get my victorian driver's licence in the next two weeks (i finally got my temp licence to replace the one that was in my wallet when it was stolen - i just hope that'll be sufficient)
» we were hoping to go see
jet live tomorrow, but we're not sure if we're going to do that
» on the 2nd of november, we'll be going to the
melbourne cup
» todd has his first triathlon on the 14th of november (he's planning on doing the
» we go to visit doug and margaret (t's dad and his partner) up in forster, nsw on the 19th of november for a few days
» hopefully, one weekend in december will be camping at
wilson's prom, with a bunch of todd's mates from high school (an annual trip they do)
» we're hoping to go see cypress hill in concert, but tix are $70 each... so, we're not sure yet on that one. (we're going to a HUGE concert on the 30th of january called
big day out, and tix are pricey on that one, but we'll get to see a GREAT lineup... so, we'll see)
» todd's 2nd triathlon in the series is on the 12th of december (unfortunately, he'll miss the 3rd one, because it's the day after we arrive back in aus)
» sometime in december there is a fun run, a women's 5 and 10k, and i'm HOPING to do it (maybe not the 10k :P)... let's see if i can... this will be the first time i've ever done a race before.... and if it's on a weekend we've got something planned, well, then, i won't... and i'll do one after we get back from canada.
» we leave melbourne on the 17th of december to fly to sydney to see t's dad before we leave aus on the 18th.
and... after we return from canada, we have a busy 2 years ahead:
2005 will include new zealand and bali, and maybe even thailand, with alot of short trips around aus (the gold coast, the sunshine coast, ayers rock, sydney, prob tazzie again, etc.), lots of snowboarding, me learning how to surf (yikes!), and of course, lots of concerts (so awesome that we have almost the exact same taste in music)!
2006 will include europe for 5 or 6 months, with definitely some time spent in portugal (duh!), germany (
world cup 2006 - yea baby!), and turkey (just cause we both want to see turkey), and then a season spent at a mountain in bc, working on the hill (prob. sun peaks, or big white) before we "settle down". t and i have finally found someone who shares the other's desires to travel (each other), and we want to get as much out of our system as possible before we "grow up" ;) (not that we ever really will, mind you).
so.... well.... hmmmmm... can't think of much else to say now. this has been a pretty long post, so i'll stop rambling. now that i've finally got this going, it won't be such a chore to update the events! feel free to post comments! :D miss y'all bunches! kisses!